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FIRE - Financial Independence, Retire Early - Picture of Brad Lawrence


    Attaining FIRE allows you to have increase freedom from stress and to pursue the activities you want in your life. The freedom to:

    • Choose a career based on personal satisfaction and not purely on financial / medical rewards
    • Security that you can provide for yourself and your loved ones
    • The ability to help others and give back to your communities
    • Enjoy life more! Remove one of the number one stressors in life
    • And more!

    How To Start The Path To FIRE?

    FIRE can mean different things for various people. But everyone has to start with the basics and that’s where The FIRE Starter Pack can help. We go over the basics of finance that everyone should understand such as:

    • Understanding and managing credit
    • Helping young adults and college students get their first checking accounts and credit cards
    • Comparing job offers that have combinations of salary, RSUs, options, and other benefits
    • Tips to manage and grow your career
    • Fundamentals of interest
    • Beginning to invest
    • Preparing for major events in life such as going to college, buying a house, and planning for your children’s future

    There is no one set path to FIRE as individuals achieve it in many different ways. We will help give you the tools and knowledge so you can forge your own path at your own pace.

    Here is a short video from the founder of The FIRE Starter Pack, Brad Lawrence:

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